Congenital Anomalies

Website about Congenital anomalies and their incidence in the Czech Republic

Institute of health information and statistics of the Czech Republic

Thomayer hospital in Prague

Gynstart - Czech website for Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague

Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague

International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research

European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies

WebArchiv - Archive of the National Library of the Czech Republic

Index of Authors and contacts

Authors and contacts

Vladimír Gregor, MD
He graduated from the Faculty of Pediatrics (now 2nd Faculty of Medicine) of Charles University in Prague in 1975. Upon graduation, he went to work at the District Institute of National Health at Příbram, first as a house in a hospital, later in a district pediatric centre. In 1979, he passed Board Examination I in Pediatrics. In 1983, he applied for a part-time position as assistant lecturer of the Postgraduate Medical School specializing in medical genetics (currently Institute of Medical Genetics of the Postgraduate Medical School). He also holds a part-time position at the Department of Medical Genetics of Thomayer Hospital (since 2001 chief of the department). He passed Board Examination in Genetics in 1984. He attends congresses and symposia addressing medical genetics and related branches. Since 1991, he has been involved in the registration and analysis of results of prenatal diagnostics. The data from those analyses are presented at the international level (ICBDSR organization). Since 1994 he was Vice President of the Society of Medical Genetics and the president of the Society of Prevention of Hereditary Disorders of the Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne.

RNDr. Jiří Horáček
In 1978 - 1983 has studied at the Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague. During his studies he has been dealing with the problematic of exogenous toxins. He graduated in 1984 and has been working in the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture (considering the toxicology of the pesticides). Since 1988 at the Department of Medical Genetics (Postgraduate Medical Institute, Prague) with the main field of interest being the prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities. Since 1994 he cooperated on 5 epidemiological grants financed by IGA MZ ČR. He is a member of the ICBDSR expert committee.

Antonín Šípek, MD, PhD
Born on 9 November 1961 in Prague.
Studied at Faculty of Pediatrics (now 2nd Faculty of Medicine) of Charles University in Prague in 1980 - 1986. Graduation ceremony in 1986.
Employed in the Institute of Care of Mother and Child in Prague from 1 September 1986 to 28 December 2007 as a pediatrist, neonatologist and medical genetic.
From 1 January 2008 employed in the Thomayer Hospital in Prague at the Department of medical genetics.
Passed Board Examination in Pediatrics in 1989, and subspeciality Board Examination in Neonatology in 1994 and in Medical Genetics in 2000.
Defended his thesis in population teratology (entitled Neural tube defects in the Czech Republic in the 1960-1986 period) and received his CSc. (roughly equivalent to Ph.D.) degree in 1992.
Since 2001 assistant professor on the 3rd Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague.
Member of the Society of Pediatrics, Society of Neonatology, Society for the Prevention of Congenital Malformations, and the Society of Demographics of the Czech Medical Association J. E. Purkyně. Lecture activity within those professional organizations.
Since 1991 representative of the Czech Republic to the ICBDSR (International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveilance and Research).
Since 2002 chairman of the National Registry of Birth Defects of the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of Czech Republic (UZIS CR).
Since 1991 worked on and ended up 12 grants of Internal Grant Activity of Ministry of Health of Czech republic; cooperated on 4 other grants.

Antonín Šípek jr., MD
Studied at 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague in 2004 - 2010.
Currently a PhD student in the Institute of Biology and Medical Genetics of the Charles University 1st Medical Faculty and General Teaching Hospital. He cooperates with other members of the registry, considering the data analysis and presentations. He is an administrator of this website.

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Congenital Anomalies - Antonin Sipek MD, PhD et al. © 2008 - 2022